

  • Member of NASA Inventors Hall of Fame


  • NASA Technical Brief Space Act Award for the Patent, Using Electromagnetic Time-Variance Magnetic Fields to Generate and Re-grow Cartilage US patent 8795147


  • ‍NASA Performance Award In Recognition Of Excellence Of The Performance Of Assigned Duties, NASA Time-Off Award


  • ‍NASA Performance Award In Recognition Of Excellence Of The Performance Of Assigned Duties, NASA Time-Off Award


  • ‍NASA Time-Off Award In Recognition Of Excellence In The Performance Of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Exceptional Level Space Act Award for the scientific contribution entitled“Methods For Growing Tissue-Like 3D Assemblies (TLA) of Human Bronchio-Epithelial Cells,” signed by the NASA Administrator
  • NASA Honors Team Award for US Patent 7,972,821
  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Performance ofAssigned Duties


  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Performance ofAssigned Duties
  • Patent Application Award: Modifying the Genetic Regulation of Bone and Cartilage Cells and Associated Tissue by EMF Stimulation Fields and uses Thereof, MSC-24541-1
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for your disclosure entitled "ElectromagneticTime-Variance Magnetic Fields (TVMF) to generate, and re-grow Cartilage Cells by a Noninvasive Method," MSC-24541-1


  • ‍NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for The Disclosure of an Invention Titled "Improved Three Dimensional Cell to Tissue Development Process (MSC-23983-1)
  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in Performance of Assigned Duties
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for The Disclosure of an Invention Titled ”Natively Glycosylated Mammalian Biological Molecules Produced by Electromagnetically Stimulating Living Mammalian Cells” (MSC-23979-1)
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for The Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Apparatus For Enhancing Tissue Repair In Mammals” (MSC-23981-1)
  • NASA Technical Brief Space Act Award for the Patent, "Methods for Growing Tissue-Like 3-D Assemblies (TLA) of Human Broncho-Epithelial Cells" (MSC-24164-1)
  • NASA Space Act Award for the Patent “Three-Dimensionally Engineered Normal Human Bronchio-Epithelial Tissue Like Assemblies: Targets for Human Respiratory Viral Infectivity (MSC-24164-1)


  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Performance Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For Patent Award of an Invention Titled “Production of Functional Proteins: Balance of Shear Stress And Gravity”
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties
  • NASA Group Achievement Award: For Untiring Dedication to the NASA Cell Science and Tissue Engineering Program, recognized by the Science Community as Fostering Outstanding Development in Basic, Applied, and Exploration Research Using Cellular Systems


  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • Superior Achievement Award As Chief Scientist: For the Development of the Arctic System and the Other Freezer Systems for the International Space Station
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties
  • NASA Superior Accomplishment Award: For the Exceptional Accomplishment of a Special Effort that Significantly Benefited the Johnson Space Center (JSC)
    NASA Special Space Flight Team Achievement Award: For Exemplary Effort and Technical Achievement in the Successful Delivery of the Arctic Freezer to ISS aboard Atlantis STS-110/ISS-8A
  • NASA Special Space Flight Individual Achievement Award: For Exemplary Effort and Technical Achievement in the Successful Delivery of the Arctic Freezer to the International Space Station aboard STS-110/8a


  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Growth Stimulation of Biological Cells And Tissues By Electromagnetic Fields and Uses Thereof"
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Group Achievement Award: For Outstanding Contributions to the Mir Phase I Space Station Program
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Production of Functional Proteins: Balance of Shear Stress And Gravity”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled “Production of 1-25dioh Vitamin D3, Erythropoietin and Other Products”
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Contribution Determined to be of Significant Value in the Advancement of the Space and Aeronautical Activities of NASA, Titled “Recombinant Protein Production and Insect Cell Culture And Process”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Recombinant Protein Production and Insect Cell Culture and Process”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “A Method For Producing Non-Neoplastic, Three-Dimensional Mammalian Tissue and Cell Aggregates Under Microgravity Culture Conditions and the Products Produced Therefrom”
  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Pathogen Propagation In Cultured Three-Dimensional Tissue Mass”


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled “Electrically Potentiated Growth of Mammalian Neuronal Tissue Facilitated by Rotating Wall Vessel Culture”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled “Three Dimensional Optic Tissue Culture and Process”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled “Three Dimensional Optic Tissue Culture and Process”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled “A Novel Process System For Insect-Cell Cultivation and Recombinant Protein Production”


  • NASA Performance Award: In Recognition of Excellence in the Performance of Assigned Duties
  • NASA/Johnson Space Center Gem Award  “Going The Extra Mile”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled “A Process for Developing High-Fidelity Three-Dimensional Tumor Models of Human Prostate Carcinoma”
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled "Horizontal Rotating-Wall Vessel Propagation of In Vitro Human Tissue"
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Proposed for Publication as a NASA Technical Brief Titled "A Process for Developing High-Fidelity Three-Dimensional Tumor Models of Human Bladder Carcinoma”


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Disclosure of an Invention Titled "Cultured Normal Mammalian Tissue And Process"
  • NASA Johnson Space Center Inventor of the Year: For Three-Dimensional Co‑Culture Process, U.S. Patent 5,153,132
  • NASA Group Achievement Award: In Recognition of Outstanding Determination, Performance, and Accomplishments in Bioreactor Engineering and Tissue Culture Research and the Creation of New Knowledge in Medicine and Biology


  • Nominated For the NASA Group Achievement Award: For the Successful Flight of DSO-316 on Atlantis/STS-441991 Space Act Award: For the Creative Development of a Scientific Contribution Determined to be of Significant Value in the Advancement of the Aerospace Technology Program of NASA Titled "Three-Dimensional Co-Culture Process"


  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Selected for Publication Titled "Biological Active Factors Produced by Multicellular Co‑Cultivation"
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition: For the Creative Development of a Technical Innovation Selected for Publication Titled "Three-Dimensional Co‑Culture Process"
  • San Antonio Commissioners Court Award: For Outstanding Scientific Achievement
  • San Antonio Mayor's Citation: For Outstanding Achievement in a Scientific Field


  • 1988 Melbourne W. Boynton Award: Bestowed by the American Astronautical Society for Outstanding Contributions to Biomedical Aspects of Spaceflight
  • NASA Group Achievement Award - Space Bioreactor Program, Bioreactor Engineering and Cell Science Research Team: In Recognition of Outstanding Accomplishments in the Field of Bioreactor Engineering and Tissue Culture Research

Grants 2000 - 2013

Innovation CIF Research Grant 2010-2011PI: Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD Study Title: Development of the NTReS System

NIH-PO1 AG032958-01PI: Donald H., Gilden, MD; Co-I Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD Study Title: “The Molecular Pathogenisis of Varicella Zoster Virus Infection”Funding: 2009-2013

Innovation Partnership Program

NASA PI Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD Study Title: “Ambient-Stable Thioaptamer Assays to Survey Human Biological Samples for Research and Medical Markers of Disease and Trauma” Physician Point-of-Care"Funding: FY 2009

NASA PI Thomas J. Goodwin, PhDAmbient-Stable Thioaptamer Assays to Survey Human Biological Samples for Research and Medical Markers of Disease and Trauma” Physician Point-of-Care"Funding: FY 2008

Reimbursable Space Act Agreements (Sponsored Research agreements)

Reimbursable Space Act Agreement - Regenetech Inc. 
PI Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD
Research covers the expansion and implementation of Adult Stem Cells to regenerate including, but not limited to, human liver, skin, prostate, cartilage, and pancreas.
Funding: 2003-2005

Reimbursable Space Act Agreement - Wyeth Vaccines
PI Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD
Wyeth PI Anne Deatly, PhD
Research Covers Development of clinically relevant models of human lung and neural tissue to accomplish predictive applications and new vaccine development.
Funding: 2001-2005

NASA-Johnson Space Center - Center Director’s Discretionary Fund Grants:

Principal Investigator: Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD Electrically Potentiated Growth of Mammalian Neuronal Tissues Facilitated by Rotating-Wall Vessel Culture” Funding: 1998-2001

Principal Investigator: Richard M. Linnehan, DVM, Astronaut Office; Co- Principal Investigator: Thomas J. Goodwin, PhD 1998-2001
Development of an Immune Monitoring Strategy to Reflect Toxicological Insult: A Study in Marine Mammal Physiology Facilitated by Rotating-Wall Vessel Culture” 
Funding: 1998-2001

NRA Research Announcement (NRA) 00-HEDS-03

Principal Investigator: Cheryl Nickerson, PhD: Tulane University Medical School Co-investigator Thomas J. Goodwin, MA
Molecular Basis of Salmonella Enteropathogenesis” 
Funding: 2001-2004

NRA Research Announcement (NRA) 00-HEDS-03

Principal Investigator: Timothy G. Hammond, MB,BS, Tulane University Medical SchoolCo-Investigator Thomas J. Goodwin, MA 
"Transcription Factors Mediating Rotating Wall Vessel Induced Gene Expression Changes"
Funding: 2001-2004